Enrolling at our school is a simple process. There are three easy steps to follow.
Step One - Check the Enrolment Management Plan
Check the Somerset Hills State School Enrolment Management Plan External linkto see whether you are eligible. You can check you live within our school catchment by following this link http://www.qgso.qld.gov.au/maps/edmap/ External link and entering your address.
Parents wishing to enrol students who are living outside the catchment area should contact the office on 3624 2222 or admin@somersethillsss.eq.edu.au to check their eligibility in consideration of the school's enrolment plan. You may need to be placed on a waitlist until there is a vacancy.
Step Two - The Enrolment Application
Collect an enrolment pack from the office or download the enrolment form (PDF, 5.5MB) and email to admin@somersethillsss.eq.edu.au.
Please read all the documents prior to the enrolment interview.
Read and understand these policies:
Complete the following:
Once these are completed contact the office on 3624 2222 or admin@somersethillsss.eq.edu.au to arrange an enrolment interview and school tour with the Principal.
Step Three - The Enrolment Interview
Please ensure that you arrive on time with the documentation fully completed. Without the completed documents the enrolment cannot proceed and a new time will be booked.
Please bring the following items for each child to the enrolment interview:
- The completed enrolment forms (from step 2)
- A birth certificate (if it your first enrolment at a Queensland State School)
- A current passport and visa for any child born overseas.
- The most recent student report card.
- Appropriate information that shows your current address within our catchment as outlined in the Enrolment Management Plan External link.
At the Enrolment meeting we will:
- Discuss the details on your enrolment application.
- Discuss how to order our uniforms and book requirements.
- Complete the enrolment agreement.
- Organise a day for your child to start.
Contact our office of your intention to enrol either by calling us on (07) 3624 2222 or email your application to admin@somersethillsss.eq.edu.au and you will be contacted by our school office to make an appointment with our Principal for an enrolment interview. Your child should attend the interview with you.
Prep Enrolments
To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the prep ready reckoner calculator.
Prep 2025 enrolments are currently being accepted through the school office.
To secure your child's enrolment for 2025 either contact the school office for an enrolment pack or download an enrolment application, complete the form and send it via email along with supporting documentation. Parents will be contacted by the school office for an appointment with our Principal for an enrolment interview. Your child should attend the interview with you.
Children must turn five by the 30th of June in the year they commence Prep. Once enrolled, children attend Prep for a full day, five days a week from 8:25am - 2:30pm.
At Somerset Hills State School, we offer our Pre-Prep families:
- A Step Into Prep Program for Pre-Prep children and families in Term 4 of 2024
- Classroom and outdoor learning experiences
- Multiple opportunities for you to visit our school and meet with the principal, the teachers and other staff and families
- Connections with professionals to support your child and family
Siblings of currently enrolled students are still required to complete and submit an enrolment form and interview.
Exemption From Compulsory Schooling
Students who will be absent from school for more than 10 days (e.g. because of illness or family holidays or for cultural or religious reasons) are required to request an exemption from the Principal. The exemption excuses parents from their legal obligation to ensure that their child of compulsory school age is enrolled at or attends a school. Forms are available from the school administration office.